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    Virtually everything we do could be classed as ‘services’. Because we consider ourselves to be THE service provider for the IT sector. Simply put, it means delivering the services our customers need. No matter if it’s managing complex projects, system modernisation or maintenance, or providing you with IT workers – we’ll always find a solution. For every industry or issue. Precise, customised, and all under one roof. Because we’re not satisfied until you are. That’s what service means to us.

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    IT Workers

    Can’t find that perfect person? IT projects involve a lot of work and can sometimes be stressful. We know that as well as you do. And that’s why it’s so important to have the right workers on board, with the right expertise and experience to handle complex projects. And we have no shortage of that. We all have our own strengths and knowledge. And together we work in harmony to make your project a success. Our experts can be on hand for the short, medium or long term. But what specialists can we provide? It all depends on what you need:

    • The Business Analyst – a.k.a. the ‘Translator’: The business analyst translates your wishes into requirements for the developers and testers. To avoid any ‘language barriers’ that may arise.

    • The Project Manager – a.k.a. the ‘Captain’: The project manager brings all the specialists together. They are responsible for planning, execution, monitoring, reporting and seeing the project through to the end. All the responsibility rests with them.

    • The Quality Lead – a.k.a. the ‘Controller’: The quality lead is responsible for delivering quality software, where our expectations are extremely high. They should be a total professional with high levels of technical expertise.

    • The Tester – a.k.a. the ‘Anchor’: As you would expect, the tester ‘tests’ the systems in development and verifies the quality requirements. They’re merciless, leaving no stone unturned in their search for errors. The operative specialist for every project.

    • UI/UX Expert – a.k.a. the ‘Designer’: UI/UX experts ensure that user interfaces are sexy while also being intuitive and self-explanatory. Because the visuals matter, and customers and staff should enjoy working with the new system.

    • The Developer – a.k.a. the ‘Heart’ of the project: The developer is responsible for translating all your needs into the language of a software system. They are an extension of the quality manager and the first port of call for testing.
    Find out more!
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    IT Projects

    An IT project can be challenging at the best of times. How do the user’s needs, the go-live date, project budget and high quality standards result in a successful project? Our highly qualified experts make it simple. We cover the entire process of project development as well as individual areas – i.e. we can take on full or partial projects for you. And we’re transparent, so you always know where you stand. Ultimately, it’s your project.

    Find out more!
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    IT Services (Run and Maintenance)

    Sometimes you don’t need a brand new solution. From professional and technical operation of your software to further development and maintenance, we provide software support from A to Z: operation, customisation, help desk, release management, support and maintenance (even without an ‘A’ or ‘Z’ there, you get the picture). You make the decisions, and our expertise makes your processes and daily business secure. From a fixed hourly budget each month to full 24/7 support. Open and transparent, so there are no hidden costs. That’s a promise.

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    IT Consulting

    Digital transformation. Frankly, we’re all sick of hearing about it. But the effects of digitalisation on traditional IT roles are enormous. In a time when nothing seems to stand still, you often need more than just a functional IT system. To succeed in this ever-changing world, you have to stay at the top of your game. And that’s where we come in. Together, we’ll develop an IT strategy that will help you develop your business model and will hopefully end up being much more cost-effective too – whether that involves changes to your existing IT systems or introducing new solutions. And if you like, we can implement it too. Your success is what matters most to us.

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    System Modernization

    If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Why should you invest in IT if your systems are still running without any issues? As IT systems age, performance sinks and the risk of failure increases. If a business-critical application uses technology so outdated that it’s a liability for your business or the application can’t be updated, then it’s time to start modernising your systems. And sometimes it’s the users who determine when that time has come. We can help you get started.
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    IT systems are constantly changing. And digital change is putting pressure on businesses to modernise their legacy systems. It’s not unusual for maintenance of legacy applications to devour a huge chunk of your IT budget. But there’s another reason why you should get to grips with legacy: many of the developers who know their way around ‘old systems’ retire, and their expertise is lost. We are a one-stop shop for your legacy system. Whether it’s a complete takeover, modernisation, replacement or development of a new system, we’ll handle it.

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    No, we don’t mean a Bot computer programme that helps you take care of repetitive tasks. In this case, it simply means Build Operate Transfer. And we’ll use it to make your life much easier too. How? By ensuring that you don’t have to spend ages searching for IT specialists. In short, you’re launching your own nearshore operation in Eastern Europe. It might sound daunting – but don’t worry, we’ll look after everything for you. From getting your company off the ground, to ‘equipping’ it with the necessary experts and providing ongoing support. We give you access to highly qualified IT experts who are dedicated to your project, saving you costs and putting you in the driver’s seat. Sounds good? It sure is!